četvrtak, 06.09.2007.

Ah kurac kompa...

TOOL je zakonrofl, na koncertu sam se provela, odlicno. Dan kasnije, prijatelj nas je vodio po birtijama, mmmmm... 50razlicitih vrsta piva, gdje ces boljenaughty. Nisam pisala cesto, pa eto ubola sam temu o koncertu. Atmosfera mi se jako svidjala, samo za razliku od mene 60% ljudi je bilo ili na tripovima ili su mrtvi lezali po podu, ozbiljno, sto se mene tice, mislim da bi trebalo na takvim velikim koncertima biti trijezan, a ne pijanciti se kako bih mogla zaboraviti koncert, ma ke. Eto, udjem ja u tu jebenu dvoranu i uocis plakat na kojemu pise na velikom ZABRANJENO PUSENJE, kurac, nema cigara do koncerta, mislim nema mi smisla i sto bi njima to znacilo, ali dobro, ugl. cigara se pusilo. Zapocne scena, mjuza, vokal, li-la i eto laserski efekti sto je bilo predivno za gledati, dobro uskladjene efekte sto se tice skladanje muzike, lasere, itd. zapravo imala sam osjecaj kao da sam na nekim drogama ili sl. tomedead. Samo zalosno sto su jako kratko svirali, uglavnom najpoznatije svari s starih albuma kao Lateralu, Schism, ......pjeva

Bemti, toliko mi je spor modem, niti ne mogu uplodirati slike, kamoli gif animacije... JEBES STARU TEHNOLOGIJU, osim naravno hard diskova sto su tada bili jako kvalitetni. Dan danas imam disk star 12godina, je da malo bruji, ali opet, radi....

06.09.2007. u 18:04 • 2 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 27.07.2007.

I'm back, stop the aplause....

Napokon! Internet naravno nisam platila, nego imam 5metarski kabel za telefonsku liniju preko koje sam spojila na moden, provukla sam kabel iz hodnika kroz dnevni boravak, to se zove prezivljavanje iako se mozes spotaknut ili ubiti se. Pa moam nekako saznat sta se desava po svijetu, di ces novosto bolje procitat nego na netu. Mislim stvarno, vec kada jesam civilizirana, pa pobogu mi treba internet =)) U zadnje vrijeme svaka osoba mi spominje Anime, nije da nisam prije vec gledala, nego zaboravila. Opet luda za Anime, eh da... priznam, ali ostajem odana Dragonball-u.

Oh dragul meu me misuie focul iubirii
Ceea ce am fost, esti tu acum
O mie de ani au trecut
Ceea ce sint vei fii tu
O mie de ani au trecut

Quod fuimus estes
Quod sumus fos erites
Mille anni passi sunt

Viata va fi schimbata si nu lunata
Simt si acum buzele tale pegitul meu
Dragul meu, tu mai facut nemuritoare
Te vreau toata

Quod fuimus estes

27.07.2007. u 02:00 • 2 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 27.02.2007.


God damn it! Samo da najavim; neda mi se nadalje pisati o pateticnom Germaniku. Grozno, razmisljala sam i shvatila nije mi vrijedno toliko pisati o njemu, polomiti cu si prste od ''velikog napora''. Cak niti o fosilima nazvanim diktatorima neke drzave, bilo bi suludo nabrajati sve careve prije i nakon nove ere, sto spada i njihova biografija, GROZNO! Sto se tice suvremene povijesti, filozofije, politike ili umjetnosti, mrzim. Po meni, sve bi to trebalo zapaliti. Bilo bi super. Jedna mala vatrica uz koju mogu grijati moje hladne rucice =))... Bolje da se bacim u filoloske vode, mada mi ne ide hrvatski jezik, koja ironija... he he... bas. Zapravo, jebes takav stav... za sada mi se mota kava i cigara oko glave poput onih malih zvijezdica sto ti se vrte kada te netko pukne palicom BOOOM po glavi, samo sto cigare imaju sada krilca kao na reklamama za redbull, nije ni cudo sto smo svi ovisnici. Vidi kako zuje BZZZZZ... Uglavnom, danasnja tema nema veze s icim, samo glupe besmislice i moje gubljenje vremena po kompu. Sayonara

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Btw. These are some pics from my crazy cat.

27.02.2007. u 17:08 • 4 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 17.02.2007.


Otac je mene naucio da ne placem, ne lazem
Otac je mene naucio da budem skrta, bahata
Ljudi su mene naucili da ogovaram, da se skrivam
Ljudi su mene naucili da prostacim, da budem ljubomorna
Osobu koju sam nekoc voljela je mene iskristavala, izludila
Osobu koju sam nekoc voljela cinila me povodljivom i naivnom
A sto sam ja naucila?
Zelja, da ispravim svoje pogreske

17.02.2007. u 03:24 • 5 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 15.02.2007.

Heaven's not enough...

heaven's not enough
if when you get there..
just another blue
and heaven's not enough
you think you've found it
and it loses you

you've thought of all there is
but not enough
and it loses you in a cloud

"there" most everything is nothin'
that it seems
"where" you see the things you only wanna see

I'd fly away
to a higher plane
to say words I resist
to float away
to sigh
to breathe.... forget

and heaven's not enough
if when I'm there I don't remember you
and heaven does enough
you think you know it
and it uses you

I saw so many things
but like a dream
always losing me in a cloud

cause I couldn't cry
cause I turned away
couldn't see the score
didn't know the pain
of leaving yesterday really far behind
in another life
in another dream
by a different name
gave it all away
for a memory
and a quiet lie
and I felt the face
of a cold tonight
still don't know the score
but I know the pain
of leaving everything really far behind
and if I could cry
and if I could live what truth I did then take me there
heaven goodbye

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15.02.2007. u 19:52 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 29.01.2007.

Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus (part I)

Dopustite mi da vama ukratko ispricam tragican zivot jednog rimljana sto njegovo dostojanstvo i pocast dovelo ga u velike dvorane, vladajuci Rimom. Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus bijase njegovo ime. Klaudije, nakon ocevog odlaska, njegovo cijelo djetinstvo propalo je zbog njegovih nesposobnosti, dugotrajnih bolesti koje ukljucujemo tijelesne i dusevne, oslabio je tako da ga nisu smatrali ni za kakvo državno ili privatno zvanje. Sam se nije mogao snac cak niti nakon svoje punoljetnosti, ostao je pod skrbnistvom majke. Baka niti da ga pogleda, majka mrzila je svoje dijete nazivasi ga pogrdnim imenima. Klaudije nije mario za ostale vrsnjake, ostao je citajuci knjige, knjizevnoscu se bavio vrlo marljivo. Sto se tice izgleda, nije mu nista nedostajalo, bio je visok, mrsave gradje, lijepe sijede kose. Kod hoda, noge nisu pomagale, debilnog je bio hoda, iz usta mu je plijenilo, smijeh nepristojan, glava mu se tresla, a jezik pleo. U dva mjeseca sluzio je Kaliguli u konzulsku sluzbu time nakon tri godine je po drugi puta dobio sluzbu. Klaudije bi kadkad otisao na predstave, ali ni tamo nije bio postedjen poruga jer narod gadjase ga kosticama, cim bi zaspao, probukli bi ga i vezali mu klompe za ruke kako bi se nenadno probudio i ozlijedio lice. Tako, nakon dugog vremena pod uvjetima kojem je morao zivjeti, Kada su urotnici od Kaligule uklanjali ljude pod izlikom da car želi biti sam, bio je i Klaudije s ostalima isključen pa se zavukao u vrtnu kućicu. Prestrašen viješću o carevoj smrti odšuljao se do obližnje terase i tamo se sakrio među zastore kojima su bila pokrivena vrata. Tom terasom slučajmo je trčao jedan vojnik koji je vidio njegove noge pa, želeći vidjeti tko je to, prepozna ga, izvuče silom i pozdravi ga kao novog cara, a Klaudije od straha padne na koljena pred njim.

Nastavlja se...

29.01.2007. u 14:54 • 8 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 25.01.2007.

Ljudi molim malo paznje jer predstavljam Celiju nekada i sada:

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Par jos nekih zajednickih slika:

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25.01.2007. u 19:46 • 2 KomentaraPrint#

nedjelja, 21.01.2007.

Evo par lijepih slika s Nove i Rostiljarke:

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21.01.2007. u 17:46 • 6 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 17.01.2007.

War is upon us, if u risk it or not...

Sudis mene, branila sam samo tebe, od propasti zbog ljubavi moje ljubomore.
Prolaze dani, lete kroz mene poput tvoje duse sto trazi svoj hram.
Sigurno i polako zaboravljam ljude jer nekoc sam ih voljela,
sada ostaja je samo prasina uspomena.
Mozda sam ipak premlada da shvatim sto zapravo znaci imati nekoga pored sebe.
Ljubav je okrutna Bozica, preoblici te i namamljuje svojem lijepotom, toplinom,
gledas nj. u oci, vidis samo vatru kako gori. Zarko zudis za nj., opeces se i oslijepis.
Zaboravis, sve ostalo sto je ikada znacilo, stvorilo se u pepeo i vjetar ga odnese.
Branila sam samo svoje najdraze...

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17.01.2007. u 17:10 • 2 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 11.01.2007.

Neki govore ovo je kraj, neki govore uskoro ce Armagedon, ja se barem nadam da hoce. Treba mi godisnji odmor od tih banalnih proricanja. Covjek pretjeruje svojim zakljuccima, etiketiranjem i kategoriziranjem. Rasizam je postao popularan kod mladih iskvarenih ljudi, proizvodnje i industrije vrte novac, raskosno i pohlepno upotrebljavaju za njihove svrhe i unistenje majke prirode. Vlast zaokupirana ljubomorom, tkz. gangsteri i reperi baveci se prodajom droge i velikom zeljom za kriminalom i homocidom zbog stete svojih koristi. Covjek koj po prirodnoj naravi luta u svojem malom svijetu zvanom iluzijom. Iluzija, svorise se u zabludu, zabluda, stvorise se u zlo. Nemojte me smatrati pesimistom, I just want to flush it all down. Try to read between the lines, I can' imagine why you wouldn't Welcome any change my friend....

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Pain - Tear It Up

I am the one who choose the path in my life
I don't need you to tell me what is right
You have to learn to crawl before you walk
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger than rock
Make your mistakes and wipe it off your back
Don't you be pulling the break, its' full speed ahead

Tear it up - Free fall from the sky
Tear it up - Kiss your ass goodbye
You're livin' and you're learning
Hopefully before you die
Tear it up - Crack your head
Tear it up - You know how its gonna end
Your running against the wall
Smash your face and wake up boy

How can you say that you are living your life
You don't take chances you're just waiting to die
It's no crime to fuck around, so don't you waste your time
Cause you don't know when you'll be throwing in the towel
Taste the pain, my game, I'll make you go insane
Now it's time to let go, its just full speed ahead

Now's the time for you to understand
Cause your breathing doesn't mean you're alive
Turn it on, self control before you start to fall
Don't you be pulling the break, its full speed ahead

11.01.2007. u 17:50 • 4 KomentaraPrint#




"The painful screams of the body,
that is what you can hear...

...before you meet your own shadow."

The path of sorrow I walk upon.
Getting more sad for every step I take.
Darkness cover my eyes.

The roads obstacles I have met.
No light is present on my path.
The end of the road is near.

Kindness is a lie.
Sorrow is my friend.
My way is walked.


N0N S0 V1L3

An epic world.
A vital culture.
Mystery across centuries.
Whispering hymns.
Drowning in beauty.
A new solution.

--D3AD & DR1PP1NG--

Matriarchal piety disturbed at their
Sisterly society feels the stifling whispers...
Anger of the dead-at-sea denied proper
Dumped overboard summarily, washed down
In a current.

Sepulchral consideration...
Wrathful omen...
Dog removed from the casket,
Dead and dripping.

First stage of disintegration... Piecemeal
Of the indignant deceased, submerged for
What reason?
Parchedness of living throats and mouths
Has cracked some tongues
But attempts to slake their thirst (only)
Leads to soaking lungs.

Hearts are heavy, minds are numb, souls
Supernatural siege upon the landlocked
Baptism in netherfluids In their crypts,
(but) Suffocating dryness in the catacombs.

Mad at thirst, they dry
To draw sustenance
From a burial mound;
Necrophagous fails,
Aridity ends lives,
More wet corpses found.

Watery warfare, and in its mist,
The forsaken
Who cry for them, the bridges of
The flaccid god.

Intone a funeral rosary...
Blessed morbid murmur
To hopefully placate the dead and
End the curse of moisture.

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ANOnim/rex I

ANOnim/rex II



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B3Y0ND 4G1V3N355

[Lyrics by Volker Frerich]

Within the stench of the burning air
Comes the conclusion of having gone too far
Fading away is the concept of terror
To withdraw from the human mind forever

Beyond forgiveness - Reflecting distortion
Absolute silence - No need for remorse
Gathering darkness will shelter my soul
Returning to origin - Man's own black hole

Decades of errors were filled with selfish torment
Decades of horror as the continents were burning
Insanity is hidden under above's holy grace
It forces the mighty for the weak ones to trace

All laughter and sorrow is sure to be vanished
Now there's space after everyone is punished
In my consciousness deep feelings of shame
Will I take them with me forever to remain?

Beyond forgiveness - Twisting expulsion
Absolute silence - Too late for remorse
Gathering darkness is spreading out cold
Returning to origin - Man's own black hole

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When I wake up, I want to see you
I need to hear you
I want to live your life
In my day, I fail to see
I fail to seek the one that gives life
I've looked away from your grace
You've been waiting at the gates
I'm running, you're standing still
It's been so long since I've been here
It's time to come back again
It's time to make a correction
Slain to the past
Resurrect me
You love me still
Your love, I love
I've run away a thousand times
I've run away for the last time
I'm alone with bleeding and broken hands
It's been so long since I've seen your love
I've looked away from your grace
You've been waiting at the gates


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Benn Gottfried - The Cycle:

The lone molar of a whore
who had died unknown
had a gold filling.
As if by silent agreement
the others had all fallen out.
But this one the morgue attendant knocked out
and pawned to go dancing.
For, he said,
Only earth should return to earth.

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Charles Baudelaire - Beauty:

I am as lovely as a dream in a stone;
My breast on which each finds his death in turn
Inspires the poet with a love as lone
As everlasting clay, and as taciturn.
Swanwhite of heart, as sphinx no mortal knows.
My throne is in the heaven's azure deep;
I hate all movement that disturbs my pose;
I smile not ever, neither do I weep.

Before my monumental attitudes,
Taken from the proudest plastic arts,
My poets prayin austere studious moods,

For I, to fold enchantment roun their hearts,
Have pools of light where beauty flames and,
The placid mirrors of my luminous eyes.

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John Dryden - Happy The Man:

Happy the man, and happy he alone,
He who can call today his own:
He who, secure within, can say,
Tomorrow do thy worst, for I haved lived today.
Be fair or foul or rain or shine
The joys I have possesed, in spite of fate, are mine.
Not Heaven itself upon the past has power,
But what has been, has been, and I have had my hour.


Growing up I've seen a lot of shit in my time
I've seen hunger, hunger, pleasure, pain, violence and crime
I have learned from the mistakes of my friends that have died
And from those who have gone down in life that just never
Life is just too short I realize that now
I'm gonna get my shit together and try to make it some how
Cause one thing that I have learned is that you only live once
So now I'll take life by the balls and squeeze until they crunch

Knowledge of the streets, a valuable tool
Type of education you can't get in school
Many hard times, losing friends, getting burned
Nobody to teach me, I just learned
A man like clay molded by his surroundings
He starts to take shape of the beating and the pounding
Assembly line that I've been through
A hard motherfucker with a bad attidude
Maybe its just the times we live in
Maybe its just urban discipline

The ways of urban life are not as they seem
Standing up and fighting is what living here means
In order to survive you've got to earn your respect
The only lessons that you learn are from things that you regret

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----SICK OF IT ALL----

If you want to save me leave me alone
with your sick polluted soul
if you want to save me leave me alone
the future's mine
it's such a waste of precious time, precious years
precious feelings that are misdirected
and should be disconnected
it's such a shame to learn a lesson
after giving of yourself in all so many ways
to find it didn't pay
if you want to save me leave me alone - now!
don't want to compromise myself
low self image hasn't got the best of confidence
at least not yet it hasn't
only the least affected can be the most respected
just to escape is worth the temporary pain and hurt
if you want to save me leave me alone
i've had enough this time
the future is mine
my friends objectively
told me again and again about the things that i refused to see

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Stare & Wonder

Through this window, I see my vision is crystal clear
It won't be long now
Never tainted
It won't be long now
Always crystal
The darkest night
I used to feel alive
Could we believe it?
Could they believe it?
I could feel the twisting in the wells of my inner self
Could we believe it?
Could they believe it?
It won't be long now... Never tainted... Always crystal
If seeing is believing, then this heart has never been beating
You should have let me live at least for one more day
Instead the silence takes me in vain
Everything you choose to say
Your piercing gaze
It rips my soul away
You should have let me live in vain
Just stare and wonder when I'm gone
Just stare and wonder why... You should have let me live